After a year and a half of building sets and puppets out of water colored bristol paper, animating an hours worth of stop motion on a multi-plane, we have officially completed the animation for Torrey Pines. Clyde said he wanted to be finished by April 2016 (something I thought impossible) and holy fuck, we did it!
A week early, I might add. At the end of 2015 we had roughly 30 minutes in the can. We stopped production and spent January building 300+ puppets for our lovely crowd funders. Then from February to end of March (2 months) we somehow built and animated another 25-30 minutes. Unbelievable.
We had a lot of help from exceptional interns and Clyde personally worked 12-16 hours a day for a month straight. All is not done yet. The film making process continues with editing and foley (film maker jargon for sound effects.) We'll also be writing a soundtrack for the film with several of Seattle's finest, most prolific musicians, recorded by producer Chris Walla.
I'll probably write something about the sound design process in the coming months, so please stay tuned.